从事大连口岸的进出口货物报关、报验等业务,随着业务量的快速增长,同时也为了满足广大客户服务的要求,公司先后成立了海运部、拼箱部、进口一部、进口二部、进口三部、事业一部、事业二部、事业三部、事业四部、通关一部、通关二部、通关三部、财务中心、人事行政等部门。 本公司拥有一批经验丰富的报关专家,能够为您提供准确、通顺、高效的专业化通关服务。现公司主要业务范围有:报关、报验、报濒危、报危、货物监装、瑞典运输、保险、信息咨询等服务项目。With the established long term relationships with ship owners and ship brokers, ADP undertakes vessel chartering business and provides the customers with relative information and right vessels for varieties of cargo in different volumes. ADP integrates land, airborne and maritime transport so as to offer the real door to door service for the customers.