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Kolkata的海运Calcutta(Kolkatta), India
作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016/7/29 8:47:29  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

Today, the manufacturing sector, especially high-tech industry is not only price and product competition, more services, logistics, operational efficiency, enhance the full range of high quality and logistics strength of the competition.
  We are aware of the current situation is grim, so we focus on conventional international loans on behalf of industry, while also focusing on supply chain management. Good grass-roots organizations, advanced system, optimization of operational processes throughout the domestic and international network and well-trained staff to ensure we are able to provide customers with the service affordable.加尔各答(孟加拉语:কলকাতা,英语:Calcutta)是印度西孟加拉邦首府。它位于印度东部恒河三角洲地区, 胡格利河(恒河一条支流)的东岸。属印度第三大城市(仅次于孟买和新德里)。
加尔各答还是一个拥有独特的社会政治文化的城市,以其从印度独立运动到左翼和工会运动的革命历史著称,以印度共产党 (马)为主的左翼阵线通过民主选举,已经在加尔各答所在的西孟加拉邦连续执政30年。[1]
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