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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016/5/21 10:04:07  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin


  公司已经成为德翔、中海、中外运集运、韩进海运、现代商船、现代商船、大阪商船、长荣、东方海外、泛亚、阳明海运、马士基、美国联合航空、东方航空公司、UPS、中国国际航空公司等船公司以及航空公司的主要代理,在这些合作方的运价与操作服务上都享有较好的优势。公司物流服务覆盖了全物流, 包括海运、空运、快件、内河运输、陆运和危险品等。同时,我们可以帮助客户去了解整个供应链,并给客户一个解决方案。这不仅使中外运可以提供良好的服务,而且通过我们为客户选择合适的物流产品和整合资源来帮助客户节省间接成本。
Air Import

Imported goods door to door service provided.

Customs agents, customs clearance, transport regulation, commodity inspection, animal and plant quarantine and health inspection services.

Distribution of imported goods provided and transit services.

Accept hanging clothes, fresh produce and other special requirements of air cargo.

Special goods packaging, short forwarding services.

Regulation of imported goods to provide safe and reliable storage service.

My company has several professional senior operational staff, with Air China, China's Beihang University and other airlines have close working relationships, in Japan, Korea, Europe, North America has a strong network of agents around, so the ability to atlanto Logistics lowest prices, quality service, will be a variety of air cargo convenient, fast and safe transport around the world. The tariffs provided for your protection you are satisfied! You only need a phone call, send a fax, the company will serve you faithfully!

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