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塞米斯波特、斯德哥尔摩、歌德堡、 | |
作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数 更新时间:2015/2/11 9:21:51 文章录入:admin 责任编辑:admin | |
2, scope of services: Russian territory 3, aging: Russia express mail: air, all the time from 3 to 5 days to Moscow. Russia's big cargo by air: air all the way, aged 10 to 12 days to Moscow. Russia's big cargo road transport: mainly road transport, ageing 20 days or so to Moscow. Russian express: express customs clearance transportation lines, air 7 to 8 days, land transportation about 17 days in Moscow. Service characteristics: can do pay, cod, double the tax package, normal white good export tax rebates to provide services, aging, high safety, can track online欧洲:汉堡、鹿特丹、南安普顿、安特卫普、乐哈佛、菲利克斯托 地西:热那亚、福斯、巴塞罗那、瓦伦西亚 欧基及内陆点:哥旦斯克里加、塔林、圣彼得堡、里加、塞米斯波特、斯德哥尔摩、歌德堡、奥斯陆、 科克、都柏林、雷克索斯、里斯本、彼尔堡、贝尔法斯特、克莱佩达、哥丁尼亚、赫尔辛基、奥尔胡斯、 哥本哈根 地东:波及、新罗西斯科、瓦尔纳、班加西、海法、阿什杜德、阿尔及尔、卡萨布兰卡、突尼斯、 米苏拉塔、利马索尔、塞得、亚历山大 |
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