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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2014/11/3 9:20:46  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

international freight agent Company Ltd is an “A” freight agent company affirmed by Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, P. R. China and “A” customs declaration agent approved by General Administration of Customs of P. R. China. As a joint venture company, we have excellent relationship and very good business credit in the field of freight agent after it was founded. Face to the severity market competition, we have built a series of efficient operation procedures, and computer network management system access to China Customs, Hong Kong and many ship companies, so we can come true comprehensive freight agent services. Based on the advanced software and hardware, we continue to upgrade the quality of service, perfect the service content. For example, transaction of import & export operation for the clients without import & export authorization, transaction of将高新信息科技与传统物流行业的优良经验相结合,秉承物流现代标准化概念,跃身现代物流行业的标杆企业之一。客户遍布世界500强企业,已先后获得国际质量体系认证ISO9001、物流行业唯一国家标准(标准号:GB∕T 19680—2005)4A级综合服务型物流企业认证等。公司内部创建了一支拥有丰富经验、技术能力过硬的专业信息技术服务团队,并与外部高新科技公司、国家相关科研机构密切合作,持续投入信息化建设和管理平台开发,创新性的提出了信息一体化平台的概念、带头建立各种行业标准,引领了物流行业信息化进程。公司现拥有运输一体化管理平台、智能仓储管理平台、整车外观自动检测与车辆身份识别信息云服务平台等多项自主知识产权的重要平台与技术。
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