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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2013/3/26 9:16:49  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

服务同时覆盖:天津、广州、深圳、大连、宁波、青岛等港口城市,进而构建成以上海口岸为龙头,以华东三省及长江沿线等内陆城市为依托,集海运、陆运、空运和各式联运为一体,全方位、多功能的国际货运网络体系。同时,公司在全球主要港口城市建立了完善的服务网络,以全方位的优质服务为贵司的进出口保驾护航。服务范围 Service Scope
We undertake transportation business between the world's major trading port,  choose the best route, the best rates, the most streamlined process to achieve the most effective transactions.
Business Scope: undertake international transportation business both in sea and air, including: pre-market research, booking, loading unloading, customs clearance, commodity inspection, fumigation, and short-distance transport services.
管理网络 Network Management
Full implementation of the company computer network management, all orders, with the cabin, the declaration,trucking fleet, warehousing, freight settlement, have achieved computerized network.There’s a customer consulting bar on company's Web site where all inquires and requests from the customer will be answered at the first time.
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