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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2012/11/26 8:42:27  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

founded in 1993 as one of the leading companies in the following area:

International & domestic transportation,

The import and export clearance,

Warehousing, distribution, products exhibition,
  spare parts logistics,

International & domestic express services,

Total solution of Supply Chain Management

EES has been authorized as a professional logistics enterprise by the Chinese government. EES has 7 logistics centers, 47 direct branches, 66 spare parts warehouses, 800 service stations, 2000 cities coverage for service and more than 4000 professional logistics staff. EES has also set up several offices in the United States, Hong Kong, Canada and Britain to deal with international business.与兴亚、南星、天敬、高丽海运、民生、神原汽船、APL、海丰、锦江航运、中远、外运等国内知名船公司保持良好稳定的合作关系,保证为您提供优质、高效的服务,我们报价力求公道、合理、谋求双赢。

    物流航线遍布全球,其中日本、韩国、东南亚等航线是我司优势航线。其中日本偏港航线独具优势。 我司拥有完备的软硬件设施、高素质的国际货运代理专业人才、丰富的市场经验,全心全意为客户提供安全、高效的服务。实时的货物跟踪,为您及买家提供最及时的货物信息。积恒物流将一如既往地通过齐全的服务功能、规范化的运作,为广大客户不断拓展新的市场提供高品质、全方位的物流服务。

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